Health and Nutrition
It's easy to incorporate a healthy and well-balanced diet into your daily life The good news is that within a few weeks, eating healthy with a carefully tailored eating and fitness plan can provide you with increased energy, while ensuring that you remain fit and healthy, helping you lose those unwanted pounds.
Women around the world are trying to make healthier meal choices for themselves and their families daily. Eating healthy has become an important element of daily life and if you have children, as I do, then you know that you want to provide them with the best eating plans to ensure their health is maintained and get them into the habit of healthy eating from a young age.
A Few Simple Health and Nutrition Facts
As many of you know there are some foods you should be avoiding and others you should be willingly incorporating into your daily diet. It's all about balance and making smarter food choices in the long run. I have put a few facts together than you can go through and with my help, you can enjoy a healthier lifestyle moving forward when it comes to health and nutrition.

- Sugars – Where do we start? Everyone knows that sugars are bad for you. Sucrose and Fructose are to be avoided wherever possible as these sugars are responsible for obesity, cardiovascular disease and Type 2 Diabetes.
- Omega 3 is a must – Omega 3 fatty acid is an essential fatty acid which should be added to your diet. Omega 3 deficiency can lead to heart failure and mental problems.
- Trans fats are bad – Trans fats are the bad cholesterol, so this is something to be avoided Trans fats can result in obesity and inflammation.
- Eat plenty of vegetables – Veggies are brimming in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants.
- Don't forget the protein – Protein is essential in any healthy eating plan to provide you with essential energy.
It is important to remember that there is no perfect diet, which is why I provide a personalised service tailored to your particular goals. Just because a food says “low fat” on the label does not mean it's a healthy alternative.
Eating Plans
The first way we will incorporate health and nutrition into your daily routine is with an effective eating plan, food planning service. This ensures you have the right portion sizes and you choose the right foods to help your body lose weight while retaining essential vitamins, minerals and more.
Smarter Choices
My focus is to provide you with a service that you will learn from, something you can take away and use in your daily life moving forward. My passion is to help women around the world make smarter health and nutritional choices in the long run.
Personalised Recipes
I take the boredom out of dieting. Diet food tastes like cardboard and I have no desire to make you eat boring and unflavoured meals each day. I have carefully developed my recipes, which are personalised to your calorie needs to help you lose weight in a delicious and tasty way.